
Land Tax Assessments 1791, 1810 , 1830 .

Land Tax Assessment 1791 .  NRO ref .

Owners Land and Tenements Occupier Rent Gross taxes 1/4ly payment
Bridgereeves of Downham Ho.Lands & tents Wm Waller £84.0. £16.16. £4.0.
Bayfield, Benm Ho.. Self £9.10.
Ho.. Beech? 15.s 14s 3s6d
Stock 25£ £1.5s
Barrett, Edmd Ho… Self £2.0.0. 8s 2s
Bodger, Jno Ho and land E Glasscock junr £1.15. 9s 1s 9d
Bird, James Ho and Land Self £1.10.
Two Lotts for ? Self 15s.
Two lotts late Galloway 15s. 17s. 4s3d.
Stock 25£ £1.5s.
Brighton, Thoms Land in Drove Self 15s. 6s. 1s 6d.
Land Cook 15s.
Bradfield, Wm Ho Hannant 10s 2s 6d.
Bradley, Jno Ho Self 15s. 3s. 9d.
Barfoot, Geo Ho Late Tuck 10s. 2s. 6d.
Burton, Esq. Ho and Land Wm Hubbard . £1.15s. 15s. 3s 9d.
Two Lotts . J Lent £2.0.0.
Baldwin,, Wm . Ho.. Self 10s. 2s. 1s 5d.
Clark, Wm. Ho. Howes. £1.5s. 5s. 1s 3d.
Canneby, Robt. Ho. Self. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Creasy, Wm. Gent. Ho. Self. £3.0.
Ho . And land . ? £28..0.
Four lotts . Self . £1.0.
Ho. Mrs Creasy . £1.10.
Land Late Life Self . £2.0.0. £12.14. £3.3.6d
Ho. Mr Luff. £1.0.
Land Late . Hett . Esq. £1.10.
Foxborough Self. 15s.
Land Late . Rev Mr Youngs. £24.15.
Carter, Jno. Land. E Watson. 7s 6d. 1s 6d. 4 1/2d.
Creasy, Jno. Ho. Perkins. 8s 4d. 1s 8d 5d.
Chandler, Jno . Ho Late Watson. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Collns, Simon. Ho. Self. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Clements, Wm. Ho. Chandler. £1.0. 4s. 1s.
Carter , Isaac. Ho. Shinn. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Coulsher, Jno. Ho. Self. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Chapman, Wm. Tanyard and offices . Self. £7.11s. £1.11. 7s .6d.
Downham Work House And land. Simson. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Drew, Jas. Ho. G Gooding. 8s 4d. 1s. 8d. 5d.
Dashwood, Revd. Rectory Self. £20.0. £4.0. £1.0.
Dymore , Thos. Ho. G.Hovell. 8s 4d. 1s 8d. 5d.
Dering, J T Esq. Land Late . Adkin £5.15s. £1.3s. 5s 9d.
Elsey, Richd. Ho. Self. £3.0. 12s. 3s.
Elmer, Wm , Nordelph. Land Late. Grimmer. £2.0.0.
Ho. Self. £1.0. 12s. 3s.
Elmer, Jno. Ho Self. £2.0.0. 8s. 2s.
Evens, G B , Esq. Late ?12 in plans. Hutson. £5.0. £1.0. 5s.
Ho and Land . J Roberts . £1.10s.
Two lotts in fen . do. £1.0. 10s. 2s.6d.
Fisher, James. One lott ? Fen. Self. 7s 6d 1s 6d. 4 1/2d.
Fuller, Wm . Ho. Wade. £1.0.
Ho. D Gray. £1.0. 8s. 2s.
Fuller, Thos. Ho. T Juler. £1.0. 4s. 1s.
Franklin, Thoms . Ho. Self. £4.0. 16s. 4s.
Gillingham, Thoms. Ho. Self. £3.0. 12s. 3s.
Ho. K Curry. 15s. 10s. 2s 6d.
Ho. G Simons. 15s.
Ho. T Bailey. £1.0.
Green, Jno. Ho. Self. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Green , Wm and Claydon Ho. Claydon. £3.10s 14s. 3s 6d.
Green, Chris”r. Ho A Carman. £1.10s. 6s. 1s 6d.
Gillingham , Geo. Ho. Self. 15s 3s. 9d.
Garrett, Wm. Ho. Self and co. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Glover, Jno. Ho. Chamberlain. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Hovell, Jas. Ho. Self. £2.0.0.
Ho H Longman. £1.10s.
Stone pitt etc. Self. £2.0.0.
? Land ? And pightle. Self. £3.0. £4.9s. £1.2s.3d.
Land Late . Life. 10s.
Land and House. Late Youngs. £12.0.0
Land Late. Townshend. £1.5s.
Land. J Mounce. 10s.
Hett, Esq. Land. Wm Wright. 11s. 2s. 6d.
Handslip, Natl. Ho. Hoy and Co. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Hudson, Anne. Ho. Self. £1.10s.
Ho. Ryston End. 10s. 8s. 2s.
Holman, Thos. Ho. Self. £3.0.
Ho. Gooley. £1.10s. 18s. 4s 6d.
Head, Jno. Land and House late Youngs. £19.10s.
Stock at £50. £2.10s. £4.8s. £1.2s.
Hopkins, Nordelph. Ho. Wm Dixon. £1.0.0 4s. 1s.
Houston, Thos. Ho. Wright. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Herbert, Den. Ho. Robt Tuck. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Hampson, Jas. Ho. Self. £5.0. £1.0. 5s.
Harris, Lady. Land. Farrow. £3.0. 12s. 3s.
Do. Hibbert. £4.0. 4s. 1s.
Do. Wm Pyborn. £1.10s 6s. 1s 6d.
Do. J. Snasdell. £3.10s. 14s. 3s 6d.
Juler, Jno. Ho. W Hodson.. 15s. 3s. 9d.
James, Jno. Ho. Self. £3.10s.
Ho. Meadows. £1.15s.
Ho. Elless. 15s.
Stock at £10. 10s. £1.6s. 6s 6d.
King, James. Ho. Thorogood, junr. £2.15s. 11s. 2s 9d.
King, Thos. Ho.and land . Late Sadler. £1.0. 4s. 1s.
Knights and Thacher Ho. Jno. Franklin. 10s 2s. 6d.
Life, Thos. Land. J Moon. £10.0. £2.0. 10s.
Luff, Jno. Stock 10£. 10s.
Malthouse and land. Self. £1.10s 8s. 2s.
Luff, Thoms. Six Lotts late. Noaks. £2.5s. 9s. 2s 3d.
Morrel, Jno, senr. Ho. Self. £1.0.0.
Ho. T Hall. £1.10. 10s. 2s 6d.
Morriss, J, Lynn Ho Rising . £1.10. 6s. 1s 6d.
? Mrs Birch . Ho. Self . £1.10s. 6s. 1s 6d.
? How Bell . Ho. Self. £5.0.0 £1.0.0 5s.
Morris, Matw. Ho. Self. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Morrel, Jno. Jnr. Ho Self. £2.10s . 10s. 2s 6d.
Moon, Jas. Ho and Lott ?. Wm Moon. £3.0.0
Ho. Self. £2.7s.6d. £1.1s.6d. 5s 4 1/2d.
Moon, Wm. Land. Self. £1.10s. 6s. 1s. 6d.
Noak , Miss. Old Queenshead. Wright and Co. £3.0.0
Ho. Shop Chapman. £1.13s . 19s. 4s 9d.
Osborn, Thoms. Ho Self. £1.10s.
Ho. Scarnell and Co. £1.0.0
Ho. Mary Garnett. £1.0.0 14s. 3s 6d.
Do New H Carter ?. Ho. Late Morel. £1.10. 6s. 1s 6d.
Osborn, Fincham . Meeting House. T Gay. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Plummer, Robt. Ho. Palgrave and Co. 13s 3s. 9d.
Pidgeon, Martn . Ho. Self. £2.0.0
Land in ? Self. £1.2s.6d.
Two Lotts . Self . 15s. 15s 6d. 3s 10 1/2.d.
Pratt, Revd Wm. Ho. Mrs Stanforth . £3.0.0
Ho. J Gay. 7s .6d. 13s 6d. 3s 4 1/2d .
Perowne, Wm . Ho. Self. £2.0.0
Stock 25£. £1.15s. 13s. 3s 3d.
Portler, Anne. Ho. Self. £2.0.0
Claypit close. Moon. £2.0.0
Land. Negus . £3.10s.
Seven Lotts for C? Dawson. £2.12s.6d.
Kings Arms. Negus. £2.0.0
Ho. Patmore 15s.
Two Lotts. Ab Carter. 15s. £2.14s.6d. 13s 7 1/2d/
Quaker Meeting House. Abm. Carter. £3.0.0 12s. 3s.
Reeve, Josp. Ho. Leefever. 10s.
Ho. H Stevens. £1.0.0 6s. 1s 6d.
Robinson, Mary. Ho. Self. £1.5s
Stock 10£. 10s. 7s. 1s 9d.
Rosher, Thoms Ho. Self. £2.5s.
One Lott far com. Self. 15s.
Land late . Walker. £1.0.0. 16s. 4s.
Raven, Hannh Ho and Land . Self. £1.0.0 4s. 1s.
Robinson, Mrs. Ho. Self and co. £1.10s. 6s. 1s. 6d.
Ramsey, Thos. Ho. Harrold. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Shinn, wid. Ho. Howes. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Saffrey, Henry . Stock 50£. £2.10s. 10s. 2s 6d.
Saffrey, Edmd , gent. Hat and Feather Brighton. £2.0.0
One lott late Taylor. Self. 7s 6d.
One lott. Self. 15s.
Homestall Self. £5.0.0
Queenshead. S Smith. £2.0.0
Stock Close . Self . £2.0.0.
Bell Ho. Parlett and Co. £2.0.0.
Dolmans. Self. £3.15s.
Bull Close. Self. £3.10s.
Brickyard. Self. £1.0.0.
Dickerson. 10s.
Howard. 15s.
Stock pightle. Self. £1.0.0
Old brickyard. Self. £1.0.0
Hangmans Close. £1.15s.
Three lotts in plains. £1.2s 6d.
Life`s seven lotts four Gordle three own £5.15s. £20.3s.6d. £5.0.10 1/2d,
Three lotts next close. 15s.
Ho. Rev Mr. Saffrey. £1. 7s. 6d.
Three lotts Fisher and Burgess. £1.2s 6d.
Four lotts late Dunbar. £1.10s.
Stock 50£. £2 10s.
Partridge , esq. Farm. £19 10s .
Late Ransoms. Farm. £16. 2s 6d.
Wilkinson. £1.0.0.
Six Lotts. £2.5s.
O Zessefen ? S Smith. £8.0.0
One Lott in plain. Self. 7s 6d.
Six lotts farr comn £2.5s.
Lenhooks. £1.0.0
Dunbars and arable £3.0.0
Late Wm Youngs Farm £5.17s.6d
Ho. Self. £2.0.0.
Howdle Close . Saffery. £6.0.0.
Land in Snap Lane. £2.10s.0.
Two lotts in far common. 15s.
Stone Pitt close. £1.0.0.
Land W Scott. £1.5s.
Land. J Bird. 15s.
Land next church. £1.0.0.
Land. Gilt. Simons. £2.0.0. £5. 19s. 6d. £1.9s 10 1/2d.
Land Stow. Road. Pigeon £2.5s.
Ho. Gordon. 10s.
Ho. Mrs Warnes. £1.0.0.
Ho. H. Saffery. £3.0.0.
Ho. Thorogood. £2.0.0.
Halfway land. Wiles. £3.0.0.
One lott. Pidgeon. 7s.6d.
Smith, Mrs . Bashm?. Ho. Mrs Edgar. £1.10s 6s. 1s. 6d.
Stanford. Ho and Land. Pleasance. £5.0.0. £1.0.0. 5s.
Suttleby, Jno. Ho. Self. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Shelton, Alexr. Mill. Self. £2.0.0. 8s. 2s.
Swanborough , Wm. Ho. Self. £1.10s 6s. 1s 6d.
Saffery , esquire. £40.0.0. £8.0.0. £2.0.0.
Terrington, Robt. Ho. Self. £1.10s 6s. 1s. 6d.
Thorp and Wright. Ho. Shelton and Co. 15s. 3s. 9d.
Tyers, Thoms. Ho. Self. £1.0.0.
Ho. G Colsher. 10s. 8s. 2s.
Ho. Hood. 10s.
Thompson, Edmd. Ho and Land. Self. £2.0.0. 8s. 2s.
Tyre, Wm. Ho Self. Ho.Self. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Tiffen, Rogr. Ho and Land. Self. £9.10s
Ho. Coote. £1.0.0. £2.4s. 11s.
Ho. Kipping. 10s .
Taylor, Jno. Ho. Self. £3.0.0. 16s. 4s.
Ho. Simson. 10s.
True, Miss ? Ho. Wiseman and Co £2.0.0. 8s. 2s.
Tilbrook, Jno. Ho. Reeve and Co. £1.0.0. 4s. 1s.
Thorp, Mrs. Ho. Eastoll. £1.0.0. 4s. 1s.
Underwood . Ho. G. Plumb. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Ward, Robinson. Ho. Self. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Williamson, Henry. Ho. Self and co. £1.10s 6s. 1s 6d.
Wollenall? , Thos. Ho. Overton. £2.0.0.
Land in plains. Self. 7s 6d. 9s. 6d. 2s 4 1/2d.
Watson, Edwd Ho. Self. £2.0.0.
Ho Pike and Co. £1.10s 14s. 3s 6d.
Wright, Thos. Ho. Self. £2.0.0.
Ladydrove way . Houses. £1.0.0.
Stock 25£ £1.0.0. £1.7s. 6s. 9d.
Part winter? Late Adkins. £2.10s .
Wright, Wm. Ho and Land. Mr Towneshend. £3.0.0. 12s. 3s.
Wiles. Wm . Ho. Self. £2.2s 2d.
Land late Carter. 7s 6d.
Do Do £2.0.0. £1.2s. 6d.
Land late Adkin. £1 2s 6d.
Weston, Jonah . Ho. Self. £2.0.0.
Ho. Casebone. 15s.
One lott low commn Self. 7s 6d. £1 0.6d 5s 1/2d.
Ho. T Stevens. 15s .
Ho. Ashman . £1 .5s .
Williamson, Jno. Ho. Galoway 10s.
Wrangle, Jno. Ho. Gathurst ? £1.10s 6s. 1s 6d.
Wills, Robt. Ho. Self. £2.0.0.
Ho. Hall. £1.0.0. 12s. 3s.
Youngs, Wm . A Mill . Overton. £2.0.0. 8s. 2s.
Youngs, Jno. Ho. Self. 10s. 2s. 6d.
Total £32.13. 10 1/2d
Note the Day of Appeal Will be on Monday The 13th June Next at the Queens Head Inn
In Downham by ten o` Clock in the forenoon.
Thos Gillingham
Wright Scott. Overseers. June 13th 1791.
Jos (*) Forby.. Philip (*) Bell. Robert (*) Forby.


Land Tax Assessment 1810.

NRO C/SCD2/2/28.
Proprietors. Occupiers. Sums Ass,Exon. Sums Ass NE. Sums Ass PP. ditto Pens&Pl. Yearly Payments.
Bacon, John. Thompson & Others. 10s.0. 10s.0.
ditto. self.
Balding, John. self.. 2s.0.
Baldwin, Wm self. 14s.0. 14s.0.
ditto. Late Holman. ditto.
Bambridge. Thomas Reeve. 4s.0. 4s.0.
Barr, Robt. self. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Beeston, Thomas. ditto. 9s.0. 9s.0.
ditto. ditto.
Bell, Henry , esq. Ditto , Clark. £1.5s.6d. £1.5s.6d.
Ditto . J Flower .
Bell, Isaac. self £1.0.0.
Bird, Benjamin. self 8s.0. 8s.0.
Birks(Bicks) Jacob. Abraham Wicks £5.5s.0.
Bridgereeves. Stanley, widow. £16.16s.0. £16.16s.0.
Brighton, Thos. Self .
ditto.(late Townsend) ditto.
Ditto. ditto.
ditto (late Bradley) John Piggott . £1.9s.0. £1.9s.0.
ditto. (late Parsley) self.
Burch, Joseph. self. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Brighton, Wm . self.
Ditto. ( late T Brighton) Self .
Ditto. ( late Watts) Self . 16s.0. 16s 0.
Ditto ( late Barfoot) Wm Mark.
Bolton , Saml . Robert Raby.
ditto (late Wright) self. 16s.0. 16s.0.
Baker, John ( late Carman) self. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Bullock, William. self. 5s.0. 5s.0.
Carter, Abraham. self. 5s.0. 5s.0.
ditto.(late Bw Carter) John Shinn.
Clark, B. late Samuels J Crabb Ady . 6s.0. 6s.0.
Chamberlain,& Bolton. Samuel Bolton .
ditto. ditto. 9s.0. 9s.0.
Chapman exors. Youd , Robt. £1.10s 0. £1.10s.0.
Chapman, Wm . Self . 4s.0. 4s.0.
Clark, widow. John Johnson . 3s.0. 3s.0.
Coates, Mary . self. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Coles , heirs. Thos Norman. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Colcher, John. self. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Cullington, John. George Hovell. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Carter, Isaac, (late Miles) Self . 3s. 6d. 3s .6d.
Dering, J T esq. Benj Bird. £1.13s 0.
Ditto ( late Creasy) Self .
Ditto. ( late Brighton) Self . 16s.0. 16s.0.
Dixon, John. self. 12s 0. 12s 0.
Ditto ( late Osborne ) self.
Downham Workhouse. Robt Simpson. 3s.0. 3s.0.
Drew, James. Edward Jackson. 1s. 8d. 1s.8d.
Dugmore, Thos. George Goodwin. 1s.8d. 1s.8d.
Dobson, Wm . Self .
ditto, late Creasy self. £2. 1s.0. £2.1s. 0.
ditto late Osborne. sefl
Edwards, Richard. William Lemmon. 3s.0.
Evans, T B esq. Wm Hutson.
Ditto,. Mary Roberts . £1.10s.0. £1.10s.0.
Ellis, Edward. self. 4s.0. 4s.0.
Elsey, Richard. Self .
Ditto. John Thistleton.
ditto late Hine. self.
ditto. Late Howes, self £1.4s.0. £1.4s.0.
Excise Office . Fogg,. £8.0.0. 8.0.0.
Fellowes, Robt, esq. James Drew. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Fisher, Mary . Wm Smith. 1s 6d. 1s.6d.
Franklin, Thos. self. 16s.0. 16s 0.
Flower, Jonathan . Wm Foulger. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Gillingham , Thos. Robt .Gray. 12s.0. 12s.0.
Glasscock, George. Self .
Ditto . late Wiseman. 7s.3d. 7s.3d.
Glover, John . self. 3s.0.
Goodchild, widow. Eastall and Shinn. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Goodrick, Matthew, self. 4s.0. 4s.0.
Green, Robert. Robert Drew.
ditto. Long and others. 9s.0. 9s.0.
Gunthorpe , widow. self. 1s.0. 1s.0.
Heading, Sarah . self. 3s.0. 3s.0.
Hacon, James. Self . 12s.0. ` 12s.0.
Hacon, Thos. Self and others 7s.0. 7s.0.
Hall, Thos. Thomas Chambers £1.0.0. £1.0.0.
Hampson, Exors. self and others. 8s.0. 8s.0.
Harris, John. Self .
ditto late Edwards. Lavender and others. 13s.6d. 13s.6d.
ditto late Ashman . Wm Palgrave.
Hawey , Thos ( late Carter) Mrs Watson. 1s.6d.
Hitch, John, Self . 4s.0. 4s.0.
Hooton, James, Self . 2s.0. 2s.0.
Hare, Thos. Esq . Thos Farrow . 17s.0. 17s.0.
ditto Richd Garnham .
Herbert, C P . Saml Edwin.
ditto. Thos Youngs. 18s.0.
ditto. Mary Tuck.
Holman, Thos. self.
ditto. Spewer& others. 15s.0. 15s.0.
Hopkin, Wm exors. Richd Hopkin. 4s.0. 4s.0.
Home, Elizth . Wm Rose. 15s.0. 15s.0.
Houston, Thos. self,
ditto. Wm Perkins. 8s.0. 8s.0.
Howells, exors . Thos Franklin.
ditto. (stone pit close) ditto.
ditto. Thomas Hall . £1. 8s.0. £1.8d.0.
ditto. Wm Casebow.
Flower, Suckling . Self . 5s.0. 5s.0.
Howes, Wm . John Piggott. 1s.6d. 1s.6d.
Juler, James. Edwd Wright. 3s.0. 3s.0.
King, James. Hewett & others. 11s.0. 11s.0.
Lack, Thos. self.
ditto late Osborne. Self . 9s.0. 9s.0.
ditto. self.
Lemmon, Wm late Creasy . Self .
ditto. Late Hampson. Wright and Lock .
ditto late Rowling . Self . £3.14s.0. £3.14s.0.
ditto late Wardell . self.
ditto late Saffrey . self.
Lemon, G, Wm.late Richmond. Self . 10s.0. 12s.0.
Ditto . Stock . 2s.0.
Lucas, Sarah. Pratt. 1s.3d. 1s.3d.
Mawle, J L . self. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Martin, Henry . Wm Martin. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Merrington, Th Self . 8s.0. 8s.0.
Miller, widow . self. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Moore , Susanna , F. Edm`d Saffery, junr.
ditto late Clements. Christ`r Fuller. 10s.8d. 10s.8d.
Ditto . widow Goodchild.
ditto late Watson. E Saffery
Moor, Ellen. John Miller
ditto. R A Moor
Ditto. J Miller. £1.11s.6d. £1.11s.6d.
ditto Bane etc. Ditto .
ditto. Beeston, & others.
Noble , John. self 2s.0. 2s.0.
Parke, Revd Gilbert. Self , £6.0.0. £6.0.0.
ditto late Raven`s exors. Self ,
Parker, James. Self . 6s.0. 6s.0.
ditto. son.
Parkinson, J . late Woodward. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Patfield, Mary . Self ,
ditto late Mr Creasy . late Remington . 12s.0. 12s.0.
Pearson, Edmund . Daniel Gray. 4s.0. 4s.0.
Pidgeon, widow. Self .
Ditto . Self .
Ditto 2 lots in plains. Self . 13s 0. 13s.0.
Pooley , John. Wm Elmer. 12s.0.
Proprietors of Meeting House. Joihn Jeffries. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Paine T L Henry Coote. 4s.0. 4s.0.
Poll, John. Self . 8s.0. 8s.0.
Patman , John . Self . 1s.6d. 1s.6d.
Quakers Meeting House. J Ady Crabb. 9s.0. 9s.0.
Raven, Henry ,exors. Gilbert Symonds. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Reeve, Edwd self.
ditto. Self .
Ditto . self £2.2s.0. £2.2s.0.
Ditto . stock. 5s.0.
Reeve, William . Francis Stevens. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Ditto . self.
Rosher, Thos , exors. Wm Burman.
Ditto . Robt Drew.
ditto. Ditto .
ditto late Saffreys . ditto. £2.1s.0. £2.1s.0.
Ditto . Ditto .
ditto. Barker .
Ditto . self.
Robinson, John. John Watson . 6s.0. 6s.0.
Rosher, Thos, junr self 4s.0. 4s.0.
Rudd, William. Bird. 3s.0. 3s.0.
Rowling , Wm. Self . £2.2a.0. £2.2s.0.
Roper, Thos, ( late Pidgeons) Self . 2s.6d. 2s.6d.
Saffrey , Edmd junr . self. 1s.0. 1s.0.
Saffrey, Henry . stock. 10s.0.
Ditto . Late Tiffins. Self . 15s.0. £1.15s.0.
ditto T M Bailey . 4s.0.
Seppings, John, self and others. 7s.0. 7s.0.
Shinn, Elizth F Egleton. 3s.0. 3s.0.
Smith , Nathl Drew and others. 3s.0. 3s.0.
Saffrey, Edmund. Self ,
Ditto , late Youngs. Self ,
Ditto . Do late ———- ditto
ditto He: and Homestall. ditto. £9.12s.0.
ditto Dolmans ditto.
ditto Bull Close . ditto.
ditto Pallen ? Land . Joihn Franklin
ditto late Partridge Self ,
ditto Dunbars arable . ditto.
ditto John Franklin
Ditto. stock 10s.0.
ditto For Common. Self . £14.18s.0.
ditto. self
ditto Clay Pit close . Self ,
ditto Queens Head. Saml Johnson
ditto Steeler Closes ditto
ditto late Porters Saml Bolton.
ditto Hangman`s Close . self.
ditto late Creasys ditto.
ditto late Dunbars ditto.
Ditto . Pinnock . £4.16s.0.
Ditto 3 sole in plains ?. Self .
ditto Brickyard. ditto.
ditto old brickyard ditto.
ditto Mile pightle ditto.
ditto Risdales. ditto.
ditto late Patches . ditto.
ditto late Hare. ditto.
Ditto. ditto. 4s.0.
Smith Wm James. self 6s.0.
ditto stock. 2s.0. 10s.0.
Stevens, John, self. 2s.0. 2s.0.
Stevens, Thos . Self . 7s.6d. 7s.6d.
ditto late Saffrey. self.
Scott Wright . Farrow and others.
Ditto . Gamble and others. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Say, William , esq. self.
ditto late Henry Saffrey .
ditto. self.
ditto. John Seppings.
ditto. late Martin Pidgeon.
ditto. Self .
Ditto . late Simonds.
ditto. Wright Scott. £5.9s.6d. £5.9s.6d.
ditto. Self ,
ditto. Ditto .
ditto. late Pidgeon. .
ditto. Thos Franklin .
ditto. James Wragg.
ditto. late T M Bailey .
ditto. Martin Pidgeon .
Sanders, Charles. J Sinclair , 2s.0. 2s.0.
Snelling Matthew . Self . 10s.6d. 10s.6d.
Taylor , John. self.
ditto self.
Ditto . self.
Ditto . Self , 6s.0. 6s.0.
ditto late Creasys, self.
Ditto. . Robt Simpson.
Terrington , Robt. self. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Thompson, Edmund. Self,. 8s.0. 8s.0.
Thorogood, Robt . self and others. 8s.0. 8s.0.
Tiffin , Mary . Joseph Watson . 19s.0. 19s.0.
Tims, Thos. Self .
ditto. late Malt and others. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Tims, William . Self . 2s.0. 2s.0.
Wright , Martha . T Wright . 4s.0. 4s.0.
Wales, Thos. Self . 14s.0
Ditto , Stock . 5s.0. 19s.0.
Watson , widow. self.
Ditto. ditto.
ditto. ditto, £1.2s.0., £1.2s.0.
Watson , Joseph , esq, self,
ditto. self.
Ditto. self. 8s.0. 8s.0.
ditto, self,
Weston, Jonah . self and others, 8s.0. 8s.0.
Weston, William Self ,
ditto. Ditto . 8s.0. 8s.0.
ditto late Osborn. ditto.
Wignall, John, self.
ditto, late Saffrey, ditto, 3s.0. 3s.0.
Williamson. James Galloway . 2s.0. 2s.0.
Wright, John . Tuck and others. 3s.0. 3s.0.
Wiles, William , self,
ditto ditto, £2.0.0.
ditto. ditto.
Wright, Thomas, self,
Ditto. Thos Brighton. 18s.0.
ditto, stock. 5s.0. £1.12s.0.
ditto. late T Gay,
Ditto. Benjn Bray. 9s.0. .
Ditto. Widow Baker.
Wright William. Mrs Miller, 5s.0. 5s.0.
Wyer, John George. self.
ditto. John Juler. £1.8s.0. £1.8s.0.
Willimott, John . self. 1s.0. 1s.0.
Wright Gregory. Scott.
ditto. Linhooks. ditto.
Ditto . Far common. ditto. 14s.6d. 14s.6d.
ditto. Plains. Robt. Thompson.
Wardle,John, late Lemmon. Robt Rawling. 7s.0.
Watson, Wm, esq. John Naylor. £1.9s.0. £1.9s.0.
Wingfield, Joseph. self. 1s.0. 1s.0.
Youd, Robt. self. 6s.0. 6s.0.
Will: Casebow
& Assessors &
Wm Ellis Collectors.
9th July 1818 Allowed by me.
Thos Hare.
J Thurlow Dering. Commissioners.
John Royle .


Land Tax Assessment 1830.

LAND TAX ASSESSMENT 1830 C/SCD 2/2/48 1830.
Rentals Names of Proprietors Names of Occupiers Description of Property Sums exon`d Sums ass`d.
6s.3d Archer Wm?Mr (late Setch club) house 1s 3d
£1.10s Beck, Wm Thos Harris land 6s.0
10s0. Beck , Wm John Roberts barn 2s.0
10s.0. Beck Wm house etc 2s.0
10s.0. Balding, John himself ditto and garden 2s.0
£2.0.0 Baldwin, Wm, exec of Stephen Baldwin ditto etc 8s0.
£1.15s ditto Barke Bunkhall ditto etc 7s.0
£1.10s ditto Chas Sargent ditto etc 6s.0
£2.0.0 Beeston, Thos Pearson Newell ditto and garden 8s.0.
5s.0. ditto Whitehead ditto etc 1s.0
£2.5s. Bell, Isaac himself land 9s.0.
8s.4d. Bowers , John himself house etc 1s 8d.
10s.0 Benton, William Ambrose and others ditto etc 2s.0.
7s.6d. Bennett, Thos Himself ( late Bird) ditto and garden 1s.6d.
£84.0.0. Bridgereeves William Vessey Bridgehouse etc £16.16s
£2 10s. Brighton, Thomas himself house etc 10s.0.
10s.0. Burch, John Himself (late Burch) land 2s.0.
10s 0. Burch, Thos Himself ( late Burch) house and land 2s.0.
10s.0, Burch , Jacob Charles Merrington House etc 6s.0.
15s.0. Brighton, Ann Herself ditto etc 3s.0.
15s.0. ditto Ditto ( late T Watts) ditto etc 3s.0.
10s.0. ditto Ditto ( late Barfoot) ditto etc 2s.0.
10s.0. Baker, John Himself ( late Burch) ditto etc 6s.0.
10s.0. Birbeck, Hy, esq Himself ( late Sharp) land 2s.0.
12s.0. Bell, Revd P. Wm Chapman ditto etc 3s.0.
17s.6d. Brown , George himself. ditto. 3s.6d.
£3.4s.0. Bolton, Samuel himself. house etc. 14s.0.
10s.0. ditto Thos Lancaster. ditto. 2s.0.
7s.6d. Bond, John, himself. land. 1s.6d.
15s.0. Baker, Patrick . himself. house. 3s.0,
£1.0.0. Bensted, Richard. Zach Stebbings. land. 4s.0.
£1.7s.6d. Blackborn, Jas Chas Poll. house. 5s.6d.
£1.7s.6d. ditto. John Roberts. ditto. 5s.6d.
£2.0.0. ditto. Geo Garman Queenshead . 8s.0..
10s.0. Bennett, Wm . Wm Poll, (&others late Saffrey) house. 2s.0.
7s.6d. Bolton, Samuel. himself (late Saffrey) land. 1s.6d.
15s.0. Checques, Richard Susan Tompson & others house. 2s.0.
£3.7s.6d. Clark, Sarah, Herself . house etc. 13s6d.
£3.0.0. ditto. Jas Weston and others. ditto. 12s.0.
12s.0d. ditto. Herself (late Robin Wright ). ditto. 3s.0.
£1.0.0. Cooper, Joseph Sutton Harrold & others. House.. 4s.0.
£1.10s.0d. Cowlcher, Martin Himself ( late Martin) House, etc. 6s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Took. ditto. 2s.0.
10s.0. Cullington, John, himself. Land, 2s.0.
£2.2.6d Carter, Isaac. himself. house etc. 8s.6d.
£1.5s.0. Crisp, Robert, George Green. ditto. 5s.0.
5s.0. Chapman, Wm. himself. land. 1s.0.
£1.12.0. ditto. Ditto ( late Thos Brighton) house etc. 7s.0.
17s.6d. ditto. Ditto ( late Hy Saffrey) land. 3s.6d.
10s.0. Creek, Wm , George Mumford. ditto. 2s.0.
£2.5s.0 ditto. Wm Long and others. House. 9s.0.
10s.0. Chapman, Wm, Himself ( late Wm Benton) Barn. 2s.0.
£3.0.0 Custance, Wm esq himself. House, etc. 12s.0.
7s.6d. Chapman, Wm , Himself ( late Patman) ditto. 1s.6d.
15s.0. Downham Workhouse. Robert Simpson. house etc. 3s.0.
2s.4d. Daymore, Thos. George Goodwin. House. 1s.8d.
10s.0. Dobson, Wm. himself. Foundery (sic) 2s.0.
2s.6d. Drake, Thos. himself. land. 6d.
£2.10.0. Dering, J T , esq. land. £1.3s.
£26.0.0 ditto. Jas Betts. Farm. £5.5s.
£1.10s. ditto. Geo Wood. land. 10s.0.
ditto. ditto. ditto. 16s.0.
£1.10s ditto. ditto. ditto. 6s.0.
£3.0.0. Danbury, Revd S. George Wood. ditto. 12s.0.
£2.0.0. Dixson, John. Henry Bolton. House,etc. 8s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. ditto. garden. 4s.0.
15s.0. Ditto.` Henry Bolton. house etc. 3s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. James Ollitt. house etc. 4s.0.,
£1.10s ditto. Himself ( late Rawling) land. 6s.0.
£4.5s.0. ditto. Himself ( late Hy Saffrey) Land . 17s.0.
£2.0.0. ditto. Himself ( late ditto) ditto. 8s.0.
10s.0. Dawson, Luke . Himself ( late Saffrey) ditto. 2s.0.
2s.6d. Darwood, John. Himself ( late Grounds) ditto. 6d.
£1.10s. Elmer, Wm . himself (late John Griggs) ditto. 6s.0.
£1.0.0. Ellis, Edwd Himself ( late Grounds) house etc, 4s.0.
15s.0. Edward, Richard Wm Lemmon land 3s.0.
£1.0.0. Elsey, Mary Thos Norburn. house etc. 4s.0.
10s.0. Fellows, Robert, esq Robert Musket . land. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Flatt, John. Himself . ditto. 4s.0.
10s.0. Flower, Jonathan. himself. house etc. 2s.0.
10s.0. ditto. himself. ditto. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Ditto ( late Youd) Land . 4s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Ditto ( late Rowling) ditto. 2s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Ditto ( late Robt Taylor) ditto. 2s.0,.
£1.0.0. ditto ditto (late Wm Lemmon) ditto. 4s.0.
£9.12.6. ditto. Ditto ( late Henry Saffrey) ditto. £1.16.6.
£4.0.0. Franklin, Sarah. Saml Archer. Castle Inn. 16s.0.
£6.0.0. ditto. Jon`n Flower. land. £1.4.0.
5s.0. Fitch, Adam, Carr. House. 1s.0.
£1.0.0. Flanagan, Patrick. Edward Stannard & Others, ditto. 4s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Robert Fuller & others. ditto. 3s.0.
£10.0.0. Frankes. Wm Chapman. land. 4.0.0.
£1.10s.0. Glasscock, Geo. Himself . house. 6s.0.
5s.0. ditto. Ditto ( late Dobson) ditto. 1s.0.
6s.3d. ditto. Edmd Long, & another . ditto. 1s.3d.
£1.0.0. Glover, Margt. Herself ( late Bacon) ditto. 4s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Hall. ditto. 3s.0.
£1.0.0. Goodrick, Edwd. Wm Allday. house. 4s.0.
15s.0. Greenacre, Martin. himself. ditto. 3s.0.
£2.17.6. Gilbert, Geo. himself, land. 11s 6d.
15s.0. Griggs, Wm . himself. ditto. 3s.0.
£2.0.0. Griffin, John. himself. house. 8s.0.
£1.0.0. Goodale, Martin. Abm Frost. ditto. 4s.0.
10s.0. Hare, Sir Thos, bart. Gooding ( late Saunders) house. 2s.0.
£2.0.0 Hall, Geo. Wm Weston. Swan Inn. £1.0.0.
£3.0.0. Hacon , James, gent. T Dyson. house. 12s.0.
£1.15s.0. ditto. John Long and others. ditto. 7s.0.
£1.5s 0. Howes, Benjamin. Late ( Suckling Howes ) ditto. 5s.0.
10s.0. Harris, John, Himself . ditto. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Raby and others. ditto. 4s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Mrs Gamble . ditto. 3s.0.
£1.12.6. ditto. Lockwood and others. ditto. 6s.6d.
7s.6d. Harvey , Thos, esq. Geo. Scarnell . Land, 1s.6d.
£1.10.0. Harvey, George,. Himself ( late Harvey) house etc 6s.0.
£1.0.0. Hitch, John, himself and others. ditto. 4s.0.
£2.5.0. Hare, Sir Thos, bart. Mary Farrow. Red Hart etc. 11s.0.
£1.10.0. ditto. Richard Garnham . land. 6s.0.
£3.10.0. Hogg and Allen. Samuel Edison. Coffee pot. 14s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Mrs Young. Chequer. 2s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Ruben Tuck. Swann. 2s.0.
£4.0.0. ditto. John Balding. Chequer. 16s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Hy Glasscock ( late Bird) House. 2s.0.
7s.6d. Howes. Samuel Edison . land. 1s6d.
£2.0.0. Hourston Brown. Thos Hourston. house. 8s.0.
£3.15.0. Horne, Elizabeth . Josp Wingfield. house. 15s.0.
£1.15s.0. Hunt, Robert. James Betts. land. 7s.0.
10s.0 . ditto. Spinks , ( late Saffrey) ditto. 2s.0.
5s 0. Hunt, Francis. himself. ditto. 1s.0.
£1.15s 0. Hill Mrs. herself. house etc. 7s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. John Palmer. ditto. 4s.0.
10s.0. Harpley, Wm . himself. house. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Vessey ( late Saffrey) house etc. 4s.0.
£2.0.0. Hopkins, Wm . Thos Harris. Rampant horse. 8s.0.
£2.5s 0. Houchen, John. George Wood. land. 4s.6d.
£2.0.0. ditto. T B Bell , esq. house. 8s.0.
£3.10.0. Hebgin, John. Garneys Wales. ditto. 14s.0.
10s. 0. Harris, Thos. himself. barn etc. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Hovell, Jas, esq, execs J H Mallett land. 4s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Thos, Harris. ditto. 4s.0.
£2.0.0. ditto. ditto. ditto. 8s.0.
£1.10.0. ditto. Ann Hall. house. 6s.0.
10s.0. ditto. ditto. ditto. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. John Powell. land. 4s.0.
15s.0. Harpley, Josp. Himself, ( late Thos Stevens) shop etc. 3s.0.
£3.15s.0. Hooten, James. Himself ( late Hy Saffrey) Land . 15.0.
£2.0.0. Howard. Wyer (late Wyer Jno & others) 8s.0.
£1.7s.6d. Johnson, Mrs. house. 5s.6d.
10s.0. ditto. late Hy Saffrey . land. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Juler, Henry . himself. house. 4s.0
£1.0.0. Jarvis , Henry . Saml Edison. land. 4s.0.
£1.10.0. Johnson, John Baker. himself. house etc. 6s.0.
£1.0.0. Johnson , John Bouk`n himself. ditto. 4s.0,
£1.5s 0. King, Henry. John Poll. Land,. 5s.0.
10s.0.` Kemp, Maria. James Lyall . house. 2s.0.
£2.0.0. ditto. Geo Ward (late Hy Saffrey) Land . 8s.0.
7s.6d. Lenton , John, himself. land. 1s.6d.
15s.0. Lock Excetr ) Warns house. 3s.0.
15s.0. Lock , George. himself. ditto. 3s.0.
£2.10.0. Lee, Geo Wm . himself. ditto. 10s.0.
5s.0. Lister, John. Talbot. ditto. 1s.0.
£1.7s.6f. Lemmon, William. Wm Townley. ditto. 5s.6d.
£1.0.0. ditto. Himself ( late Griffin) ditto. 4s.0.
£1.0.0. Lawrence, William . Thos Hinds. ditto. 4s.0.
£3.5s 0d. Lancaster, Thos. himself. land. 13s.0.
£2.12.6d Lallam, Michal. Himself ( late Hy Saffrey) Farm. 10s.6d.
17s.6d. Mallett, J H . Himself ( late Hy Saffrey) House. 3s.6d.
£2.0.0. Mann, Revd Chas. Thos .Spinks. land. 8s.0.
£1.10.0. ditto. Ditto ( late Rawling ) ditto. 6s.0.
£1.10.0. ditto himself and Shinn ditto ditto. 6s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Thos Spinks ditto. ditto. 3s.0.
£5.0.0. ditto. Mr Wignell ( late W Lemmon) ditto. £1.0.0.
£2.0.0. Merrington, Chas. Chas Cambridge. house etc. 8s.0.
10s.0. Marsh, Isaac. Bolton & others. ditto. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Miller, Elizth. John Dyson. Land . 4s.0.
10s.0. ditto. House. 2s.0.
£4.15s.0. ditto. F B Bell, esq, land. 19s.0,
£1.10.0 Miller Mrs. Edmd Beeston. house. 6s.0.
10s.0. Melton , Robert. himself and others. ditto. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Munro. S Francis. E C Johnson . ditto. 4s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Edward Welsh. ditto. 4s.0.
8s 4d. ditto. Thos Snelling . ditto. 1s.8d.
£5.0.0. Morse, John . Thos Smith . White Hart. £1.0.0.
£3.0.0. Miller, John. himself. house. 12s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. ditto late Rawling . Land . 4s.0.
2s.6d. Morley, John . Himself . ditto. 6d.
£1.0.0. Merrington, Barns. John Towler. ditto. 4s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Francis Hunt. house. 5s.0.
£9.0.0. Mumford, Geo. himself. Tan Office. £1.16s.0.
10s.0. Moody, Charles . Himself ( late Bird) house. 2s.0.
5s.0. Merrick, Mrs. Caseby ( late Robertts) 1s.0.
10s.0. Noble, Mrs. Thos Young. Farm. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Newton, Thos. himself and others. house. 4s.0.
£1.10.0. Parkerson, John. Osborn Savage & others. house. 6s.0.
15s.0. Parker , Wm . himself. ditto. 3s.0.
£2..0.0. Patfield , Mary. R P Garritt. house. 6s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Geo. Gilbert . ditto. 4s.0.
£1.0.0 Pearson, Edmd . Wm Chapman. ditto. 4s.0.
12s.0. proprietor Meeting house John Jeffries. 2s.0.
£2.0.0. Poll , John. himself. Mill. 8s.0.
5s.0. Parker, James. himself and others. house. 1s.0.
2s.6d. Pickerill, Thos. Himself . land. 6d.
£6.0.0. Powell, John . Himself . Crown Inn. £1.4s.0.
£6.10s.0. ditto. ditto. land. £1.6s.0.
10s.0. Pike , John. John Curson. house. 2s.0.
10s.0. Phipps, Daniel. Harper & others ( late Hy Saffrey) house. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. John Pike. Isaac Goodrick . house. 4s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. John Smart ( late Bird) house. 4s.0.
£1.10s.0. Pitchford, Mr. Sainty Weston ( late Hy Raven) house etc. 6s.0.
£2.5s.0. Quaker Meeting House. Medwell , Rose?Robt. 9s.0.
£2 10s.0. Roberts Wm . himself. Farm. 10s.0.
£5.17s 6d. ditto. J Hall ( late Hy Saffrey) Land . £1.3s.6d.
15s.0. Reeve, Wm , himself. house. 3s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Mrs Scott. ditto. 3s.0.
12s.6d. Roper, Thos. Geo Gilbert. land. 2s.6d.
10s.0. Raby , Geo . Laws and others. house. 2s.0.
£2.5s.0. Rosher, Thos. himself and others. ditto. 9s.0.
£2.5s.0. ditto. John Brown. land. 9s.0.
£1.10s 0. ditto. Ditto . ditto. 6s.0.
£2.10s.0. ditto. Matthew Snelling . ditto. 10s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Neal . ditto. 4s.0.
£1.15s.0. ditto. Himself . ditto. 7s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. James Hall . ditto. 4s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. himself. ditto. 4s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. John Long, (late Hy Saffrey) ditto. 4s.0.
5s.0. Rolf , Thos. Himself . ditto. 1s.0.
£1.0.0. Saffrey, Henry . T M Bailey . house. 4s.0.
£3.15s.0. Ditto . Himself . ditto. 15s.0.
£5.0.0. ditto. Mortlock and self . £1.0.0.
£3.10s.0. ditto. Himself . land 14s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Wm Allcock. house. 4s.0.
£1.15s.0. ditto. Jonah Weston and others. Ditto . 7s.0.
10s.0. ditto. late Carter and others. ditto. 2s.0.
15s.0. Smith, Nathl. himself and others. house. 3s.0.
5s.0. ditto. Wm Palgrave and others. ditto. 1s.0.
5s.0. Stevens , Frans J himself and others. ditto. 1s.0.
£1.10s.0. Stevens, Thos. himself and others. ditto. 6s.0.
10s.0. Scott, Wright. Thos Beets and others. ditto. 2s.0.
5s.0. Smith, Thos. Himself . ditto. 1s.0.
£1.0.0. Scott, Mrs. Herself . Retreat . 4s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Ditto ( late Thos Brighton ) land. 3s.0.
£1.0.0. Smith, John. W Giscard. house. 4s.0.
10s.0. Scarnell, Geo. himself. land. 2s,0,
£3.0.0. Snasdell, Joel. Himself ( late Elsey) house. 12s.0.
10s.0.` Smith, Revd T Himself ( late Harris ) Land . 2s.0.
10s.0. ditto. White (late White) ditto. 2s.0.
£6.0.0. Say, Wm , esq. himself. house etc. £1.4s.0.
£3.0.0. Ditto . ditto. land. 12s.0.
£3.10s.0. ditto. Wm Oakes. house etc. 14s.0.
£2.10s.0. ditto. Geo Lemmon. land. 10s.0.
£2.5s.0. ditto. Wm Casebow and others. land. 9s.0.
£2.0.0. ditto. Himself . Land . 8s.0.
£1.15s.0. ditto. Himself . Land . 7s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. ditto. ditto. 4s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. ditto. ditto. 4s.0.
15s.0. ditto. ditto. ditto. 3s.0.
15s.0. ditto. ditto. ditto. 3s.0.
15s.0. Ditto Hy Juler. ditto. 3s.0.
10s.0. ditto. James Wragg. house. 2s.0.
7s.6d. ditto. Suckling Howes. land 1s 6d.
2s 6d. Simpson, Thos. Wm Carter. house. 6d.
£1.0.0. Scott, John, Himself & others ( late Cooper) house. 4s.0.
£21.0.0. Thackeray, Rev J R. Revd E Bellamy . Rectory etc. £4.0.0.
£3.0.0. Taylor, Robert. R Meadows and others. house. 12s 0.
£3.10s.0. ditto. Chas Moody . land 14s.0.
£2.0.0. ditto. ditto. ditto. 8s.0.
£1.4s 0. Terrington, Mrs. Herself . house. 6s.0.
£2.0.0. Tompson , John. Mrs Fuller. farm etc. 8s.0.
10s.0. Tyers, Thos . (heirs) Green Laws and others. house. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Ditto . Wm Chapman. ditto. 4s.0.
7s.6d. Taylor,Westwood,jonathan himself. land. 1s.6d.
£1.10s.0. Tuck, Ruben. Himself ( late John Griggs) Farm . 6s.0.
£2.7s.6. Visson, Benj. Robert Hunt. Red Bull. 9s.6d.
15s.0. Vince, Robert. himself. house etc. 3s.0.
£1.10s.0. Vissen, Joseph. John Dixson ( late John Wright) land. 6s.0.
£1.0.0. Watson, Joseph, esq . Lyall and co. Steam Engine. 4s.0.
£2.0.0. Wright, Thos . Himself . house etc. 8s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. Thos Morley . ditto. 4s.0.
£2.10s.0. ditto. Robert Gamble and others. ditto. 10s.0.
15s.0. ditto. Jas Wright and others. ditto. 3s.0.
10s.0. ditto. late Foulger. ditto. 2s.0.
£8.0.0. ditto. Christ. Newton. ditto. £1.12s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. T D Paine. ditto. 4s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Himself ( late Wm Lemmon( Land . 2s.0.
10s.0. ditto. Himself ( late Hy Saffrey) ditto. 2s.0.
£1.10s.0. Wright, John. Mrs Pinnock. house. 6s.0.
15s.0. Weston , Wm . Henry Bolton. ditto. 3s.0.
£2.0.0. ditto. himself. land. 8s.0.
15s.0. Ditto himself. ditto. 3s.0.
10s.0. ditto. ditto. Late Wm Lemmon. ditto. 2s.0.
5s.0. ditto. ditto late Harris. ditto. 1s.0.
15s.0. Wignall, John . Himself . ditto. 3s.0.
£1.10s.0. ditto. ditto late E Saffery. ditto. 6s.0.
5s.0. Willimott , John. himself. house. 1s.0.
10s.0. ditto. James Pain. ditto. 2s.0.
10s.0. ditto. himself late Hy Saffery. ditto. 2s.0.
10s.0. Waudby, Hugh . John Brown. ditto. 2s.0.
10s.0. Wright, Gregory . Wright Scott. ditto. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. Ditto . John Powell . land. 4s.0.
10s.0. ditto. John Long. ditto. 2s.0.
£1.2s 6d. ditto. Isaac Carter. ditto. 4s.6d.
10s.0. Wallis, Ambrose. Himself . house. 2s.0.
£1.0.0. ditto. ditto late Pidgeon. Land . 4s.0.
£1.10s.0. Watson, Elizth. herself and others. house. 6s.0.
10s.0. Wake, Stoney. himself. ditto. 2s.0.
£1.10s.0. Watson, Mrs R. Thos Harris. land. 8s.0.
£1.5s 0. Wright, Mrs. Wm Casebow. house etc. 6s.0.
£16.0.0. Ward , Robert. Geo Ward. Farm. £2.0.0.
Norfolk – 24th May 1830. J Thurlow Dering Commissioners.
Allowed by us John Royle .
