A walk through Bridge Street. Soon after 9 am on Thursday , 10th June 1841 , 33 year old solicitor Edward Hett, left his elegant double fronted house in Bridge St , and made his way across Market Place to the High St. It was raining and he was anxious to get to the Union […]

The VAD Auxiliary Hospital was opened in May 1915. The buildings used were the Towers , and the Church Hall or St Edmunds Hall also the School room. The school room is more or less as it was then but is now a private house . The Towers burned down on August Bank Holiday […]
Downham boys of WW2 .
Herbert Raby , photographer.
By the year of Herbert`s birth 1888 , George Eastman had invented the Kodak camera . It took 100 individual images and then had to be returned to the factory for developing . The big glass plate cameras used by professional photographers which were in evidence here in 1911/1912 Trade Directories , would have been […]
Downham Bells and Angels .
Bexwell`s Charles Dean Prangley .
This photograph is the property of Marlborough College . Charles was born on 16th March 1897 in London , and baptised 25th July 1897 in Bebington , Cheshire . His parents were Charles Wilton Prangley and his wife Elizabeth Richardson , who were married in Hastings district in 1890 . His father was the son […]
Land Tax Assessment 1791 . NRO ref . Owners Land and Tenements Occupier Rent Gross taxes 1/4ly payment Bridgereeves of Downham Ho.Lands & tents Wm Waller £84.0. £16.16. £4.0. Bayfield, Benm Ho.. Self £9.10. Ho.. Beech? 15.s 14s 3s6d Stock 25£ £1.5s Barrett, Edmd Ho… Self £2.0.0. 8s 2s Bodger, Jno Ho and land E […]
CAPT RICHARD WOODGET OF CUTTY SARK AND BEXWELL ROAD Burnham Norton church. June 2015. Richard Woodget was born on 21st November 1845 at Burnham Norton in Norfolk. His parents were Richard and Celia Woodget ; he had seven siblings at least three of whom died in infancy ; his brother William died aged 21 and […]
RAF Downham Market.
RAF Downham Market has long been abandoned . The runways overgrown and the buildings mostly derelict with a few saved and adapted to small industrial units . The farmland has been reclaimed and the whole airfield has returned to private ownership . The most recent over winter searches , with the farmer`s permission , ( Dec […]